We need your further financial support to Father Bogadek!
Father Anthony Bogadek Caring Fund (ABC Fund)
Our dear SLS brothers,
I am sure you well remember Father Anthony Bogadek, our beloved secondary school teacher who inspired us with his passion for education and nature. He is now in his 90s and requires constant medical care and assistance.
A group of his past students established the Father Anthony Bogadek Caring Fund (ABC Fund) in Aug 2021 to raise donations to support his caring and medical expenses for pacemaker implant operation. Thanks to your generous contributions, we have been able to provide quality care and medical health care for Father Bogadek.
To provide seamless support to Father Bogadek, the Executive Committee of the ABC Fund launched the next round of fund-raising with target sum HK$300,000- to cover estimated support costs for additional 12 months (up to mid-2025). This will ensure Father Bogadek can continue to receive the necessary care and attention.
Please join us in showing our gratitude and love to Father Bogadek by making a donation to the ABC Fund. You can find the donation forms (individual donation form (http://www.sloba.org/media/uploads/files/ABC_Donation_Form-Individual.pdf) and group donation form (http://www.sloba.org/media/uploads/files/ABC_Donation_Form-Group.pdf) attached to this appeal letter. You can also contact us at anthony.bogadek.caring@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions, or if you would like to volunteer to visit or assist Father Bogadek.
Please let us provide a simple recap of the financial status of the ABC Fund as of 31 Dec 2023:
Total donations received: HK$1,532,407.95 (including HK$358,585.19 from predecessor funds)
Available cash balance: HK$180,263.22
Major expenses: Hospital expenses of HK$105,281.00 for pacemaker implant operation in Aug 2021 (only hospital and device costs, surgery undertaken by former students of Father Bogadek free of charge) as well as full-time / Sunday relief shifts caretakers expenses
Estimated monthly expenses: HK$25K - 30K (monthly salaries for 2 Filipino caretakers and relief shifts on Sundays)
(Please refer to Appendix A for details)
Appendix [B] Major Milestones of the Father Anthony Bogadek Caring Fund
Establishment of Father Anthony Bogadek Caring Fund
Our Father Anthony Bogadek received a pacemaker implant operation in August 2021 and required extra medical care afterwards. Father Bogadek is already in his 90s and health condition is stable but slowly deteriorating.
Father Bogadek could no longer take care of himself and round-the-clock care is required. These necessary care services include: provide more frequent and smaller-portion food to increase daily food/drink intake and to build up appetite as well as regular daily exercises / outdoor movements (in wheelchair) to improve mobility. The overall medical care and health monitoring is under the guidance of a group of our fellow brothers in various medical professions (including physicians, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy).
To reciprocate to our alma mater and to express the heartfelt gratitude to our teacher, a group of St. Louis Old Boys (who graduated between 1968 - 1986) formed an Executive Committee in September 2021 to organise a campaign to siphon financial resources to support Father Bogadek’s daily caring and basic medical needs and also invited Father Matthew Chan as the spiritual adviser to the Executive Committee of the Father Anthony Bogadek Caring Fund (“ABC Fund”).
The first fund-raising campaign was launched in October 2021 which marked the beginning of the ABC Fund.
The Executive Committee members would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Father Matthew Chan, our spiritual adviser for his guidance, the Salesians of Don Bosco China Province of Mary Help of Christians (鮑思高慈幼會聖母 進教之佑中華會省) for securing a significant discount for the August 2021 pacemaker implant operation hospital charges, our fellow brothers for the financial support as well as SLOBA team for collecting the donations on ABC Fund’s behalf.
The Executive Committee members were profoundly saddened by the passing away of Mr. Ken Kwan (關志明先生) our fellow Executive Committee members) in September 2022. Ken graduated from our school in 1986 and was a key member in putting together the ABC Fund and the overall healthcare support for Father Bogadek.