Dear Aloysians,

We will have our Annual General Meeting on the 6th of March 2021 (Saturday) at 11/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building, 244-248 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.

I hereby attach the AGM notice and the details for your reference. Thank you for your attention.



Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of members of the St. Louis Old Boys’ Association Limited (the “Association”) will be held on Saturday, 6th day of March 2021 (Saturday) from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at 11/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building, 244-248 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (香港上環德輔道中244-248號東協商業大廈11字樓) (“Venue”) for the following purposes:


  1. To confirm the minutes of the last annual general meeting.
  1. To receive and adopt the Annual President’s Report for the preceding year.
  1. To receive and approve the Honorary Treasurer’s Financial Reports and the audited Statement of Accounts.
  1. To appoint Auditor for the ensuing year.
  1. To elect Directors/Council Members of the Association for the ensuing year.


All members listed in the directory, who being eligible, are invited to attend the meeting. Members wishing to appoint a proxy should duly complete and sign the enclosed proxy form. The proxy form shall be deposited at the registered office of the Association or delivered to the Honorary Secretary of the Association not less than twenty-four hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting.


COVID-19 Matters

As we have to strike a delicate balance between public health considerations like social distancing and our statutory requirement of having AGM every year, we encourage our fellow members to consider utilising the above-mentioned proxy mechanism in order to minimise the number of attendees at the Venue. Further, SLOBA will provide online broadcasting of the AGM through YouTube ( The method and the link to access the broadcast will be announced on our web site ( on 5th day of March 2021 (Friday). However, we regret that questions to the AGM can only be raised by the attendees at the Venue.


For our members who would like to join the AGM at the Venue, please comply with the following requirements:

  1. Seat limit: maximum 20 seats (in accordance with the Exempted Group Gatherings of Cap. 599G as of 6th day of February 2021). This maximum seat requirement will be subject to change without prior notice.
  2. Seats will be provided on a first-come-first-serve basis. Members have to reserve his seat by email (Email address: or by phone (Telephone number: +852 2521 6000) before 10am of 5th day of March 2021 (Friday) and we will inform the member once the reservation is confirmed.
  3. All attendees must complete the attached Health Declaration Form upon arrival at the entrance of the Venue. No admittance will be made for anyone declared with potential public health concern.
  4. All attendees must undergo a compulsory temperature check at the entrance of the Venue. No admittance will be made for anyone measured with body temperature exceeding 37.5°C.
  5. All attendees must apply hand sanitiser provided at the entrance of the Venue.
  6. All attendees must wear a mask at all times at the Venue and throughout the AGM.
  7. No food or drink is allowed.
  8. Attendees may be denied entry into the Venue and be requested to leave if he does not comply with any one of the above requirements.


Please stay tuned to our website for any updates on our AGM.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Dated the 6th day of February 2021.


Allen Chan





  1. If you prefer to receive the proxy form or nomination form by post within Hong Kong, please feel free to contact our office by email (Email address: or by phone (Tel: 2521 6000) not later than 22 February 2021. Our secretary will arrange to post the corresponding form(s) to you accordingly.
  2. Please click here to download the nomination form.